Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Cost of Dental Implants in Chandigarh

Things you need to know
You might be surprised how affordable Dental Implants in Chandigarh are as compared to other teeth replacement options.

Be an Informed Patient
If you are considering an implant procedure, it is wise to do some preliminary research. There are important points which you need to know about dental implants before you make decision.

·                ·   Quality and Material of Dental Implants
Different companies make different varieties of implant.  An implant is a small screw like object having rough surface and made of titanium or bio-compatible material that is accepted by the body and allowed to osseointegrate with bone. All implants should be government and FDA approved for use. Several companies like Nobel Blocare, Bio-Horizon Astratech, and Straumann are worldwide leaders in quality of dental implants. Good practicing clinicians often purchase implants from these companies.

·                ·   Your Dentist: ‘Prosthodontist, Periodontist or Experienced dentist?
Choose an experienced implant dentist who has proven level of education and experience. Many dentists offer dental implants but only EAO/AO/ITI/AAO credentialed dentist has approved knowledge and experience. Prosthodontist has knowledge of implant retained prostheses that provides greater stability, improved chewing forces and higher patient satisfaction.

·                  ·   Sterilization
Dental Implants should be placed under high level of sterilization and hygiene, so important point to take into consideration before deciding the practice.

·        Cost
Ask for fee quote that includes every aspect of procedure not just the cost of placing the cost of implants.

·        Warranty
Dentist can provide you a lifetime warranty on your implants but not on prostheses that often require replacement over time.